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 People cover up their mundaneness by fabricating an extraordinary life on social media. I diverge it into 2 elements: reality and idealism.

The distance between the past and the presence is very close yet very far. While visiting a museum, one can contemplate the works right in front of them  and speculate and thoughts of the artists. However, there is always an invisible gap that creates a distance between the artists's message and one's intepretation; close enough that one knows it's there, yet far enough to catch a glimpse of.

People nowadays are glued to different forms of social media. We sit next to each other but cognitively pursue different thoughts, different information. Little by little, the tool once created to connect the world is used to push us further and further away. 

                                                                                                                      Nguyen Than

woman sitting 2018-224cmx224cm
2.Woman behind the window-mixed media-2018-125x125cm.jpg
1.Woman behind the window-mixed media-2018-125x125cm
women 235cmx235cm
496. Woman - mixed media 2013 - 120x100
495. Woman - mixed media 2013 - 120x100
494. Woman - mixed media 2013 - 120x100
5.Woman behind the window-mixed media-2018-125x100cm.jpg
401. Window - oil on canvas 2007 - 105x210
3.Woman behind the window-mixed media-2018-125x100cm.jpg
396. Woman - oil on canvas 2009 - 90x90
394. Woman - oil on canvas 2009 - 120x120
387. Window - oil on canvas 2007 - 90x45
383. Window - oil on canvas 2007 - 90x50
385. Window - oil on canvas 2007 - 90x45
390. Window - oil on canvas 2007 - 90x50
391. Woman - oil on canvas 2007 - 80x40
393. Window - oil on canvas 2007 - 105x105
382. Window - oil on canvas 2007 - 90x50
375. Woman - oil on canvas 2009 - 110x220
373. Woman - oil on canvas 2009 - 110x110
334. Woman behind windows - mixed media 2011 - 200x200
335. Woman behind windows - mixed media 2011 - 200x200
171. Rice hills - oil on canvas 1992 - 89x105
78. Undress - oil on canvas 2006 - 135x155
77. Undress - oil on canvas 2006 - 120x140
90. Windows - oil on canvas 2007 - 50x50
36. Windows - oil on canvas 2007 - 80x90
148. Truong Son Street - powder-color on jute bag 2001 - 95x105
149. Truong Son Street - powder-color on jute bag 2001 - 95x105
89. Hong river - lacquer 2009 - 83x116
11. Windows - oil on canvas 2007 - 135x155
70. Windows - oil on canvas 2007 - 89x116
23. Windows - oil on canvas 2007 - 130x140
40. Windows - oil on canvas 2007 - 89x106
62. Windows - oil on canvas 2007 - 89x106
71. Woman - oil on canvas 2009 - 100x130
35. Windows - oil on canvas 2005 - 100x110
14. House in the hills - oil on canvas 2003 - 130x162
29. Space - oil on canvas 1994 - 135x155
186. Space - oil on canvas 1994 - 120x140
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